Decisions of the Azerbaijani courts in the case of the editor of the newspaper Tolyshi Sado Hilal Mamedov will be appealed to the European Court of Human Rights. Turan was told by the lawyer Ramiz Mammadov, who commented on today's decision by the Supreme Court to dismiss the appeal of his client.
The lawyer said that the defense requested the termination of criminal proceedings and the release of Mamedov, given the numerous procedural violations and illegal evidence gathering methods.
Ramiz Mamedov showed groundlessness of the arraignment for treason in the Lankaran events in 1993 (referring to the proclamation of the Talysh-Mugan Republic) due to the statute of limitations.
On the other hand, the mere accusation was not based on the evidence base and was built on perjury from the special agent with experience Elman Guliyev, who previously slandered the predecessor of Hilal Mamedov in Tolyshi Sado, Novruzali Mamedov.
The prosecution in drug trade, as the lawyer said, is generally absurd.
Mammadov was actually abducted by the Office of Narcotics Ministry of Internal Affairs, who did not inform his relatives about the detention, applied force and deprived him of access to a lawyer.
Any fingerprint examination was not carried out to identify fingerprints of H. Mamedov on the bags with drugs. The search in the apartment rented by Mamedov was conducted without a court order. During the search of Mamedov’s clothing and apartment by the police the same witnesses took part.
Counsel considers unsubstantiated accusations of inciting ethnic hatred.
Now the defense filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights on the merits and for violation of the Interior Ministry and Prosecutor General of the presumption of innocence of H. Mamedov.
The defense believes that the ECHR will inevitably satisfy complaints from H. Mamedov.
H.Mamedov himself was given the opportunity to meet with friends and relatives only a few minutes between the court hearing and the decision was announced. He called the native is not worried.
"In fact I'm feeling free, it is they - the judges that are not free," said Mammadov, describing himself as a political prisoner.
"A political prisoner is someone who belongs to the opposition takes power, or different from her position and is exposed to criminal charges based on the testimony of false witnesses and falsified evidence," he said.
Mamedov said that he felt fine, but with him in the barracks many infectious patients are contained. The doctor came there yesterday and examined the two infectious patients, maybe now they will be isolated.
Mamedov said that the vast majority of the 130 prisoners treat him well. "They solemnly said goodbye to me when I was escorted from prison to the preliminary detention place," said Mamedov. -0616D-
* * *
On July 25, the Supreme Court under the chairmanship of Inglab Nasirov considered an appeal from the editor of Tolishi Sado Hilal Mamedov.
The court rejected the appeal and upheld the decision of the Court of Appeal, which refused to overturn the lower court decision on the deprivation of his liberty.
As the correspondent of Turan reported, today's meeting was held behind closed doors.
* Hilal Mamedov was arrested on June 21, 2012. The Baku Court of Grave Crimes on September 27, 2013 sentenced him to five years in prison after being convicted of treason, inciting ethnic hatred and drug trafficking. Mamedov denied the allegations and believes that he is being persecuted for political reasons. Amnesty International declared him a "prisoner of conscience." -1606D -
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