Losing consciousness in the president’s waiting room

On 1 September one of the complainants lost  her consciousness  in the president’s waiting room after police shouted at her. Turan was told an eyewitness of the incident. According to an eyewitness, on that day was the day of receiving by the head of department on work with law-enforcement bodies Fuad Alasgarov. The witness does not know the causes of the incident. However, he was struck by the indifference of the police and the presidential security service. Woman with two children lost consciousness. Citizens asked security staff and the police to call an ambulance, the doctors, but they defiantly refused to do so.

The people called  the "emergency"; the  doctor arrived and made an injection, but she did not feel well, and  ambulance was called second time, but the doctors began to complain that they were called repeatedly. Only after insistent demands of citizens, the woman was taken to hospital. "But we do not know what happened later in the hospital,"  said a source, expressing indignation  with the behavior of those responsible for the safety and health of citizens. -05B-

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