Media review 12.03.2019

Evaluation of the decree to address the problem loans of individuals, a look at the proposal for the restoration of children's money - the leading topics of today's media.

The "Azerbaijan" newspaper assesses the social significance of the decree on solving problem loans of individuals, the decree covers about 800 people. Under modern conditions of a market economy rare country make such decisions, the author notes. He also emphasizes that this document once again confirms the care of the state in relation to citizens, and also increases public confidence in the state.

The newspaper "Yeni Musavat" writes about the proposal to restore the "children's" money. Following the measures taken by the authorities in the social sphere, the turn of children has come, the expert believes. There are 2 million 614 children in the country under the age of 17. The expert notes that in all age categories the total amount of children's money per month will be 135 million 104 thousand manat, and per year - 1 billion 612 million manat. This will be 6.5 percent of the state budget.

The site "" continues the topic of child allowances, discussing it with the deputy Hadi Rajabli, according to whom this issue is not on the agenda. He also recalled that the president has allocated funds for large families. At the same time, he recalled that every time he acts in parliament with a proposal to increase the amount of benefits for children paid up to 3 years.

As for the payment of money to children under the age of 18, the deputy does not consider this correct, since there is no such practice in the world.

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