Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

The website Bizimyol.info.az discusses with the psychologist Fuad Asadov the reasons for the suicides, the number of which over the past week amounted to 5 facts.

The psychologist drew attention to the demonstrative nature of suicides, which is a kind of protest. Most suicides have depression and a maximalist outlook. The one encroaching on his life creates a syndrome of a hopeless situation for himself, which leads to the decision to commit suicide.

The website Azpolitika.info.az writes that the suspicions about the former head of the General Staff, Najmeddin Sadigov, were confirmed.

The media write that in Moscow he underwent a complex heart operation.

In addition, all information about Sadigov and his photo was taken from the website of the Ministry of Defense. During the 44-day war, there was no information about him. He was fired because he could not cope with his post.

The website Mətbuat.az writes about the possibility of a complete restoration of the educational process in all educational institutions after Novruz.

Currently, the number of infected in the country has dropped sharply, and vaccination has already begun. Experts consider it appropriate to start traditional classes on April 1.

However, there is no official information about the exact dates of the start of traditional education yet. This will depend on the pandemic situation in the country.

The Müsavat.com website discusses President Biden's future policy in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijani experts have not yet voiced any encouraging forecasts. There are people with a pro-Armenian position in the White House Administration.

Political analysts also note that Biden wants to return America the role of the world's gendarme. The South Caucasus will be one of the regions to which the attention of the Biden administration will be riveted. One of Biden's first steps will be to strengthen the Minsk Group. The US may declare its non-recognition of the results of the Second Karabakh War.  –0----


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