Media Review October 19, 2018

Fighting the shadow economy, increasing demand for eggs, dissatisfaction of martyr families with cash payments, and a decline in foreign investment are the leading themes of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that the legalization of the shadow economy will bring even more funds to the state budget. The expert Vugar Bayramov claims that this is one of the priority issues of Azerbaijan. It was also touched on at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the results of 9 months of the year, where the President of the country spoke of the need for a serious struggle against the shadow economy. According to the expert, reducing the shadow economy to a minimum is also a priority for reforms.

The website writes about the shortage of eggs and their rise in price to 20-30 gapik. However, the expert claims that demand has increased. Previously, eggs were exported to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Qatar. Now exports are suspended due to rising demand. The expert predicts that the situation will change.

The newspaper Novoye Vremya writes about the reduction of foreign investment in fixed assets in January-September 2018.

Last month, investment in the country's economy fell by 8.8%. The share of investors from the UK, Turkey, Malaysia, Russia, Iran, USA, Japan and the Czech Republic is 3,217.0 million manat, or 80.6% of the total investment in fixed assets from foreign companies.

Foreign investment has been declining for over a year.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat writes that 4,800 families of martyrs cannot receive the insurance payments due to them. We are talking about those killed in military operations for the territorial integrity of the country, missing and declared dead in the period from 1991 to 1997.

However, their names, as noted by the insurance company Azersigorta, are not included in the lists.

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