Ministry of Defense and Military Prosecutor"s Office Confirmed Soldier Incited to Commit Suicide


National Army soldier Parviz Iskenderli hanged himself on July 14 because of abuse and hazing. The statement was presented jointly by the press services of the Defense Ministry and the Military Prosecutor of Azerbaijan.

A criminal case was charged under Articles 125 (incitement to suicide), 182.2.1 (extortion by threats), and 332.3 (violation of the constitutional relationship between the military not subordinated to each other).

Soldiers Shaheen Khudiyev, Vusal Iskenderli, Vidadi Mustafayev and Sabir Musaev were arrested by order of the military court.

Investigations are continuing for a full and thorough investigation into all circumstances of the incident and to bring the perpetrators to justice, according to the same source. Previously, Iskenderli’s parents said that they were initially informed that their son committed suicide, but they found marks of torture on his body. The relatives said that four officers beat the soldier to death, and committing suicide was invented to cover up the traces of the crime.

However, the Ministry of Defense and the Military Prosecutor's Office rejected that officers participated in the beating and believe that his colleagues drove the soldier to suicide. -03D06-


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