Movie on Isakhan

Presentation of the documentary film about an outstanding personality, a lawyer Isakhan Ashurov was held in Baku World Business Center on June 25.

The film, which tells about the life of a prominent human rights defender, was shot by the reporter Aygun Muradkhanli and Ashurov's son, Kenan, who acted as producer.

The audience, which included relatives, friends and colleagues of Isakhan, became participants of a lyrical epic narrative of the man, who was born in Georgia back in August 1955 and grew up in his native village Fakhrali situated between imposing mountains. Landscapes rich in forest mosaics that Isakhan infinitely loved to observe imposed a seal of harmony, romanticism and intransigence on his character.

Only such a man could lead people to attacks and repel a height captured by the Armenian militants in the Gazakh region, fight back the rebellious Colonel Surat Huseynov and act to defend people's rights consistently and selflessly. In the courts, he defended Farhad Aliyev, Rafig Taghi, Eynulla Fatullayev, Adnan Hajizadeh, Emin Milli and many others.

The movie built at the intersection of the lines of his life with different people, family, society and state tells the viewer about the possibility of the impossible, when in the face of one person can cross valor, honor, humor, lyrical romanticism, generosity, gentleness, officer rigor and harmony. This is the phenomenon of Isakhan Ashurov, which emerges spontaneously in the course of the biographical narrative of the story until the last days of his life in June 2012.

An untimely deceased friend of his, a virtuoso lawyer Elton Guliyev, with whom they were complementary to each other, turned to the audience from the screen: 'We all lost him and lost it all.'

However, the authors of the film, consistent with Isakhan's nature, developed the epilogue scenes in a major key, completing the story with a knock on the door, from which a year-old boy Isakhan Ashurov, the grandson, which bears the spirit of his illustrious grandfather, comes out to meet the audience.    -0-

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