Opposition forces speak about creating a broad movement for free presidential elections

On Saturday the intellectuals  of Nakhchivan held  a hearing about the political situation in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (NAR)  with participation of members of the Public Chamber, an advisory Majlis of  political parties, human rights organizations.

Famous politician Ibrahim Ibrahimli described the situation in the autonomy as a complex and critical, not only for the political parties and NGOs, but also for the entire population. He pointed out a new wave of repression against civil society activists, journalists and businessmen in recent years.

New  facts of the murder of Turac Zeynalov, a resident of Nakhchiavn   in jail of the National Security Ministry (NSM) in  September 2011, and persecution of his family by secret services,  testify that NSM has become a criminal organization, said Ibrahimli.

However, according to him, despite the repression, every day a number of members of the local branch of the Public Chamber, which began its regular meeting, is growing.

He also noted the importance of opening  in Nakhchivan a Regional Centre for NGOs and the development of democracy, which is already making quite a lot to protect the rights of citizens and civil society development.

The topic  of the situation in Nakhchivan gave impetus to discuss the situation in the country, as a whole, in light of the forthcoming presidential elections in Azerbaijan in autumn 2013. It is mostly  noted about the need to create a broad social movement for free and democratic elections. This is a new situation in the civil society of the country, because  usually, in previous years, the political forces could not come to an agreement and a platform on the issue of elections.  The theme of a single candidate  was always a stumbling block in the consolidation of all political and social groups.

Sulhaddin Akbar , a Chairman of the Open Society Party, said that signing of a joint document of political parties and public organizations is planned in the near future on the readiness to hold  in Azerbaijan free and fair presidential elections.

As it is known, the  opposition parties have already developed a package of legal initiatives to change the election law,  and bringing it in line with international standards.

Saturday's meeting of the opposition held at the initiative  of intellectuals of  Nakhchivan, stated  their will to  consolidate all social forces to fight against the regime, and achieve the victory of democratic forces in the presidential  elections.—0—


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