Police have 3,810 "public" assistants

Search for suspects and missing persons, identification of dead bodies, the organization of district inspectors, registration and review of the crimes - these issues were discussed yesterday at a meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As the head of the Criminal Investigation Emin Shekinsky said, this department arrested 1,740 men on the wanted list, and established places of 166 people wanted by law enforcement agencies of the CIS.

The Chief of the Public Safety Department, Javanshir Mammadov noted that since the beginning of the year they put into operation 72 police stations, (42 in Baku), and continued the construction of 33 others.

Under special control is "voluntary participation" of citizens in maintaining public order and, in particular, work on the formation of Public Councils has been completed. At present, the work of the councils involves 3,810 people, including 192 former police officers, who retired.

According to Mammadov, with local policemen 70% of the 13,720 crimes committed this year were disclosed.

The Head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Interior, Emil Usubov said that for the first 9 months of this year, police investigators received from citizens 70,621 reports of wrongdoing. 86% of them have been managed by interrogators. Compared to last year, the number of cases considered reduced by 30% and the number of complaints to the Interior Ministry declined 4 times or 3,987 facts.

Summing up the meeting, Interior Minister Ramil Usubov generally satisfactorily commended the police authorities on the issues. He also pointed to the current deficiencies in the police and demanded that the heads of departments and the territorial police should remove them. -03D06-


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