Press Review 01/03/2017

The situation on the Karabakh front, the authorities’ look at the problems of the country, the country's dependence on oil and the increase in the retirement age are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about clashes on the front line on the night of February 25. The author calls it a provocation of Armenians. The article notes that a number of states as well as the OSCE Minsk Group make statements about changing the status quo in relation to the conflict.

The website writes that a lie propagated by the authorities has already become the norm. And the lie applies to all areas and spheres. Calling education a priority, the authorities, however, destroy it. Authorities also say that in Azerbaijan medicine is better than in Germany. The officials also argue that the country's human rights and freedoms are at the highest level.

Echo has published an article entitled Azerbaijani Manat to the Oil Needle. The article presents the views of the dependence of oil prices on the exchange rate of the manat. The author cites the opposite expert opinions.

Novoye Vremya has published an article entitled The Long Way to Retirement. Draft Amendments to the Law on Labor Pensions. The project consists of 98 amendments and suggests that until 2021 the retirement age of men will annually grow by 6 months. And the retirement age of women will increase annually for 6 months until 2027. Thus, the retirement age of men and women will be raised to 65 years old. If the bill is passed, it will enter into force on 1 July 2017.  –0--

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