Press Review 02/02/15

Official newspapers write that Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of the Day of Youth, signed an order granting the 2015 Presidential Award of five young people.

Azadlig writes that Athens canceled an agreement to sell the gas company DESFA to SOCAR for 400 million dollars.

One of the US rating companies Standard & Poor’s predicts negative credit rating of Azerbaijan.

Serious health problems have arisen at the imprisoned Sanan Dashdamirli accused of crimes related to drugs. He is the son of the head of the organizing committee of PFPA Rafik Dashdamirli.

Experts harshly criticized the official Baku in connection with the costs of major projects, noting that the authorities are leading the country to ruin their tales of development.

The fall of the euro will reduce the value of the Oil Fund, which will increase the financial losses of the country.

The newspaper published an article on torture of Vugar Aliyev, who received a life sentence for the murder of the son of former chief executive of the Shemkir region Aslan Aslanov.

Yeni Musavat argues that the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Secuta will arrive in the country with a conciliatory mission. It's time to "gather stones", according to the newspaper.

In Prison №14 they again do not give a meeting with relatives of 11 prisoners who mutinied in connection with the murder of a convict Elshad Babayev.

Medical experts are calling for proactive measures in the medical system of Azerbaijan in view of the fact that a Russian citizen has caught the deadly Ebola virus.

The newspaper reports that the police called villagers of Hovsan and accused them of opposition sentiment and creating riots. These are the citizens who held a protest action on January 19 against the director of the school №119, who insulted the villagers.

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