Press Review 04/17/15

Official newspapers write about Ilham Aliyev's visit to Baku Metro Depot for familiarization with the new cars.

Azerbaijan publishes an article with harsh criticism and accusations against Obama and Kerry, accusing them of Islam Phobia and pro-Armenian position.

Azadlig quotes the head of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli about the sentencing of the human rights defender Rasul Jafarov.

The National Council called on the European Parliament's resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide "a document that falsifies the historical truth."

The audit by the Accounts Chamber in the Ministry of Environment revealed serious financial fraud.

Express quotes the head of the Caucasian Muslims Office Allahshukur Pashazadeh that the Muslim world is faced with provocations to engage it in confrontation with the rest of the world. He stated this at the ongoing international conference on Islam in Baku.

In the first quarter of 2015 Azerbaijan's exports decreased by 37%, while imports increased by 37%.

Echo writes that by the end of this year, the manat against the US dollar in the best case will become cheaper by 10-15%, at worst - by 30-35%.

Bizim Yol writes that drugs for cancer patients should be issued free of charge, but they are sold in pharmacies and oncology clinics.

Yeni Musavat writes that the Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov and his deputy, Arif Askerov appropriated 200 million manat and created business for these funds in Russia.

The arrested journalist Khadija Ismayilova will receive the international PEN Award. Dozens of journalists covering sports called for her release on the eve of the European Games. -0-

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