Press Review 11/06/13


Political scientist Hikmet Hajizade believes that pressure on Azerbaijanis in Russia aims to force Azerbaijan to join the Customs Union.


detained in While an investigative jail cell of DHS,  journalist Parviz Hashimli became unconscious. He woke up only after medical intervention.


The 20-day ban on the sale of Azadlig and Yeni Musavat papers in the subway continues. Representatives of the media believe that the ban is aimed at stifling the free press.

The newspaper wrote about the preparatory hearing at the Baku Court of Grave Crimes regarding the case of members of the NIDA youth movement.



37 foreign nationals in Azerbaijan are criminally responsible for drug trafficking.


Bizim Yol writes that prices in Azerbaijan will rise in January 2014 prices, with some of them doubling. For example, one kilowatt of electricity will cost 10 kopecks, a ton of water - 60 kopecks, a liter of gasoline - 90 kopecks, and 1000 cubic meters of gas - 130 manats.


Yeni Musavat writes that the authorities began to deprive former Defense Minister Safar Abiyev of the facilities he privatized.

The newspaper cited the Minister of Finance, who wrote that utility prices rise will rise from January 3.

The chief ideologist of the authorities, Ali Hasanov, commenting pressure on Azerbaijanis in Russia, said that it is the machinations of some forces trying to damage relations between Azerbaijan and Russia. -0-



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