The official press first published the presidential decree on the preparation for the anniversary of Mohammed Amin Rasulzade - the head of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (May 28, 1918 - April 28, 1920). Preparations for the 130th anniversary of the chief architect of the state independence were entrusted to the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Education, the National Academy of Sciences and other interested agencies.
Reports of the official meetings of the President are published. The Parliament approved the Law "On the State Budget for 2014." The Education Minister Mikail Jabbarov has initiated the development of the national strategy in this sphere.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe heard and adopted the positive report by Robert Walter (observer team’s leader) on the presidential elections of 9 October 2013. This group did not notice violations, including human rights during the electoral process.
Azadlig writes that nine international organizations, including the Reporters without Borders, defended the Azadlig paper and the freedom of expression in Azerbaijan.
The newspaper wrote about the meeting in Washington D.C. of the single candidate of the National Council of the Democratic Forces in the presidential election Jamil Hasanli with the head of the Voice of America David Ensor. The parties condemned manifestations of authoritarianism and totalitarianism in Azerbaijan.
The newspaper wrote about the latest hooligan actions of Russian nationalists against Azerbaijanis in Moscow, as well as the rising tension between Tehran and Baku.
Yeni Musavat wrote about emigration of the former economic development minister Farhad Aliyev, recently released from prison after 8 years of imprisonment.
Information spread about a theft associated with the name of the head of CJSC Azerbaijani Railways Arif Askerov.
The Chief of the press service of the New Azerbaijan Party Huseyn Pashayev said that one of the party’s founders, former Minister of Labor and Social Protection, now the country's ambassador to Belarus Ali Nagiyev left the ranks of this ruling party. Officially, the event is associated with the diplomatic status of the former minister, but Naghiyev has been working for the Foreign Ministry for eight years, and his resignation from the party was announced only yesterday.
Express writes that the head of the Federal National Cultural Autonomy of Russian Azerbaijanis (former First Vice-premier of Azerbaijan|) Abbas Abbasov took the side of the Russian authorities oppressing the Azerbaijanis in the country.
The ambassador of Iran in an interview said that the tension on the border crossings is associated with heavy vehicles and bears no political character.
Widely discussed is the meeting in Moscow between Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin, where an important place was given to the decision of the Karabakh conflict within the framework of international law and recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
The newspaper writes about mourning in Latvia in connection with the tragedy in one of the malls in Riga, which killed 43 people.
Bizim Yol writes a sharp deterioration in the health status of an employee of the newspaper Parviz Hashimli located in the DHS investigation jail on charges of illegal possession of weapons and their deliberate smuggling involving a group of people (Art. 206.3.2 and 228.2.1 of the Criminal Code). The reporter was sent to the DHS hospital.
There is information about the discussion of representatives of editorials on the problems of publishing and distribution of opposition publications, including Yeni Musavat and Azadlig. The editors adopted a resolution on measures to overcome the crisis.
Novoye Vremya reports that the deputy head of the State Border Service M. Abbasguliyev died of a heart attack at his workplace the day before.
The Court of Grave Crimes rejected requests by the lawyers of the activists of NIDA, who called for a protest on March 10 this year. They are charged with preparing riots, drug possession and manufacture of "Molotov cocktail."
The newspaper widely covers the visit of the special envoy of the British Prime Minister Charles Hendry to Baku, associated with the prospect of economic and political relations between the official Baku and London.
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