Press Review - 12.04.12


The official pro-government newspapers carried on the fore part President Ilham Aliyev’s speech at the first international exhibition of Caspian water technologies "GATEF-2013."


The Head of State has awarded the deputies Javanshir Pashazade and Gulchohra Mamedova the Order of Glory.



People's Artist Zeinab Khanlarova declared her innocence in the arrest of the theologian Taleh Bagirzade. According to the Interior Ministry, Bagirzade was involved in the arson of Khanlarova’s dacha in Nardaran. In response to the mention of her name in this case Khanlarova said: "If you want to arrest someone, be real men and arrest him yourselves, and do not involve me in these things." Khanlarova said she does not suspect Nardaran people in the case.


The soldier Farman Huseynov called to the service from the Saatly district attempted suicide n the eighth day of service. The reasons are not known.

Delivered to Lankaran district police, the local man Jamil Babaev, jumping from the 4th floor, committed suicide. His relatives say he was tortured.

The EU declared war to offshore accounts, the newspaper said, adding, "the dark days of secret business begin."

Residents of Fizuli threw eggs at the head of the district Aly Alyev for not keeping promises.


Zerkalo, commenting on the tensions between Tehran and Baku, says that "Azerbaijan and Iran go on the warpath," which was to be expected.


Express reported on the appeal of JSC Azersu to the Tariff Council with a proposal to raise the price of water supplied to the population.


Novoye Vremya calls "a bitter smile" the arrests of civil society activists on insane charges.


Bizim Yol reports of embezzlement of budget funds at the State University of Languages.


In Turkey the police arrested two Azerbaijanis, who are members of the terrorist organization Al-Kaida.


Yeni Musavat informs about the intentions of the authorities to close the Baku petrol stations of the Russian oil company LUKoil in connection with the participation of its president Vaghit Alekperov in the so-called "Union of billionaires" - Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations in the Russian Federation, the creation of which angered the government of Azerbaijan.


The tough Western reaction to the plans of the authorities of Azerbaijan to narrow the mandate of the OSCE Office in Baku is regarded by experts as "collapse of the attack on the OSCE." -0–


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