Press review 12/13/12


Official newspapers devoted articles to the anniversary of the death of Heydar Aliyev.


"Azadlig" writes that Azerbaijan has place an order with Russian for 1.2 billion manats worth of military equipment.

Experts believe that the closing of the Gabala radar station may have a negative impact on relations with Russia.



Russia "seduces" Armenia to take away not only its future, but also that of Georgia and Azerbaijan.



In 2013, the state will allocate 100 million manats for mortgages.



On the list of countries with a terrorist threat, Azerbaijan places 81st.


Bizim Yol

Ramiz Mehdiyev , head of the Presidential Administration held a meeting during which he encouraged his employees not to believe what is written about him in the media.


The newspaper, citing the Iranian parliament, said that in the next two years the capital of Iran will be moved from Tehran. There are chances that it will be Tabriz.


Yeni Musavat

The newspaper with reference to the prison service announces staff changes in Prisons 11 and 17.


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