Press Review 28/10/2016

The international importance of reforms in the country, the United States as a target for the attacks of the official media of Azerbaijan and the Accounting Chamber failures are the leading topics of today's press.

The Azerbaijan newspaper writes about effective reforms and their successful results. According to the author, the country has formed a unique development model in the world.

In support of this conclusion the author refers to the report Doing Business on the favorable business conditions in the countries, where Azerbaijan is mentioned among the favorable.

The website investigates the cause of the wrath of official Baku regarding the US. And the pro-government media accuse America of undemocratic elections that do not reflect the will of the people. The author believes that, in all likelihood, the reason for that is the decrease in the chances of the official Baku to receive international financial assistance, for which Baku blames the US.

Echo has published an article entitled Azerbaijan Employment Agencies Prey on Unemployed. The agency staff takes this opportunity to illegally make profits from the people’s financial problems. Unscrupulous employees of the employment offices assure applicants that they will help them to find high-paying jobs despite the fact that these individuals do not have the necessary qualifications. The only thing they have to do is to fill the form and make a payment in the amount of 10-20 manat. Naturally, they cannot find any job.

As pointed out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the agency has developed a draft law “On insurance against unemployment.” The bill has already passed the inter-agency coordination process, and is expected to be discussed during the autumn session of the Azerbaijani Parliament and the application of the new system can start from the beginning of 2017. According to the draft law, the size of the insurance premium for this type will be 1% of the amount of the salary of the insured, of which half will be paid by the employer and the other half – by the employee. This is the lowest index in the world, because in some countries the contribution comes up to 3-5% of the salary.

Bizim Yol writes about the miscalculations of the Accounting Chamber and the wrong audit resulting in hidden facts of corruption and embezzlement.

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