Press Review for 1/12/12


Official newspapers reported on the admission by President Ilham Aliyev of credentials of ambassadors of several countries. Besides they presented the texts of decrees to amend a number of laws and mechanisms for their implementation.


The organ of the ruling party Yeni Azerbaijan accused management of Public Chamber and the Azerbaijani Diaspora organization in Russia Azerros of “aiding the Armenians.”


The opposition and independent newspapers focus on appointments in the presidential administration.


The newspaper Azadlig considers the appointment of 4 substitutes to Ramiz Mehdiyev as "taking him under control" and clearing the site to enhance the Pashayevs (home of the First Lady of Azerbaijan).


Novoye Vremya, in turn, evaluates the appointments as "shuffling the old deck."


Bizim Yol considers the appointment of deputies to Mehdiyev as "redistribution of power".


Yeni Musavat draws attention to the fact that all the four deputies come from Nakhchivan. The newspaper says that at the presidential elections of 2013, the stake will be made on the "Nakhchivan clan."


Azadlig: The singer Flora Karimova, whose victory in the parliamentary election in 2005 was not recognized by the authorities, won the European Court of Human Rights, which found a violation of her rights. So she asked the court to appoint her a parliamentary pension.


Bizim Yol focuses on the fact that the 2013 budget does not include salary increase for teachers and doctors.


Yeni Musavat: 10 deputies appealed to the court to change the measure of restraint for the youth activist of Musavat Nigar Yagublu to house arrest.


The "balanced foreign policy" of the official Baku has meant that Azerbaijan has damaged relations with both the U.S. and Russia, and both states are now putting pressure on the country.


According to the newspaper Zerkalo, Human Rights Watch found two Islamists – Mehdi Shamilli and Javid Mammadov "prisoners of conscience."


Express draws attention to the increase in the state budget in 2013 of the provision for political parties. Instead of the originally envisaged 2 million manat, political parties will receive AZN 2.5 million.


Echo writes that the accession of Azerbaijan to the WTO in the next 10 years is unrealistic. According to experts, the hasty accession to the WTO could lead to the destruction of local production.

After cold weather came to Azerbaijan, 18 people were hospitalized with the diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning.


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