Public figures on the causes of the events in Ismayilli

Protests in Ismayilli would not happen, if the authorities decided to provide jobs and solve social problems of the local population, the chairman of the Center for Economic Development Gubad Ibadoglu said. According to him, the Mountain Shirvan economic region remained outside the focus of Baku. For example, last year on its development there was allocated just 1.1% of the total investment in the country and against the grandiose buildings in the capital, as well as the multi-billion dollar resort center in the neighboring Gusar, wages are 40% lower than the average for Azerbaijan, and there are low levels of employment.

People's poet Musa Yagub, who mainly lives in the village Buynuz of the Ismayilli district, believes that the Baku officials designated to the area "have gone too far" and have lost all sense of proportion in relation to the local population. "They have fenced and bought forests and agricultural lands, and used effective force to buy the land of the village Ivanovka and appropriate the property, and they expel people from their homes in the town. It is not enough for them - now they are insulting the people's feelings. This should be stopped from the top," said the national poet. - 17D-


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