Residents of Shamkir region complain of fraud by authorities

On Monday a  group of residents if  Shamkir region held press conference  in  the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety  where they alleged a violation of their property rights.

Farmers complain of unfair compensation for the alienation of their lands and other property in connection with the construction of Shamkir reservoir.

 Forty five of  53 landowners appealed to the public association "Legal professionals." The head of the NGO, Tagi Huseynov, said that the process of alienation of their lands  was conducted in violation of the law.

Thus, citizens were not  sent formal notice of redemption of land expropriation and conditions. In February 2009, the  regional executive committee was formed to assess the property, but the people learned  about repurchasing  their land  only in March and April, when construction began. According to residents, the government is motivated it  by the fact that the head of state should take part in the ceremony of  groundbreaking for the reservoir.

    Paying of  compensation began  only in summer 2010, with the rate of 50 manat per 0.1 ha, while the market value of the  land in this area is 500-1200 AZN.

Under the law, citizens have to pay compensation in accordance with market prices, and an additional 10% surcharge. According to the presidential decree of December 26, 2007, a further 20% increase is assumed from the Reserve Fund of the President.

Jeyhun Mamedov , a villager of  Seyfali,  said that  for over 0.19 hectares, he received a total of 1385 manats, while he was taking  from this section 10.9 tons of potatoes and onions.

Another villager Ikram Hasanov said that for 0, 21, and 30 hectares of walnut trees, he received a total of 2,700 manat. Thus, for each tree yielding 100-150 kg.  of nuts he  was paid only 90 AZN. According to human rights activist Huseynov, at market prices, the farmer was to receive 297,000 manats.

Tavakkul Jalilov from the village of  Narimanly  and other residents reported that most of  fruit trees aged less than 5 years were evaluated only at one  manat.

Local people also reported that they have not signed any contracts for the sale. According to them, the owners  were offered to sign acts on seizure of property - land, trees, outbuildings and an assessment of their value. However, local residents were told that the value of the property will be  estimated  in Baku. 

The lawyer Huseynov said that the NGO "Legal professionals" will assist  the cheated  landowners to b ring an action against  the the JSC "Irrigation and Water Management", owner  building the  Shamkir reservoir, and resident will  demand the fair compensation.

Local residents believe that the  state had allocated sufficient funds, but the money was misappropriated. In connection with this, the residents sent an appeal to President Ilham Aliyev to restore  justice.

 Being asked to  comment on the allegations, the  JSC "Irrigation and Water Management," said the expropriation was carried out on the basis of the then law and the amount of compensation had been agreed, and the money was transferred to the  accounts  noted by the owners.

Subsequently, amendments were made in the law, but the law is not retroactive, said a representative of the "Irrigation and Water Management" , who wished to remain anonymous. —06C-


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