Baku/12.05.23/Turan: Rahman Guliyev, a resident of Buzovna settlement (Seregina street), has addressed an open letter to Sahil Babayev, Minister of Labor and Social Security, demanding to fully accrue part of his pension, which was not accounted in the State Social Security Fund (structure of the named Ministry).

"When I retired in 2013, my 14 years of service was not accounted for by a certain employee of the Hazar district SSSF. In 2022, after much bickering, I was transferred a part of my debt amounting to AZN 1180. The rest of the total debt of 3,500 manats - 2,320 manats - was not paid," Guliyev said.

Having got acquainted with the nine official replies that Guliyev received from the State Social Security Fund, we became convinced that in the main these documents copy each other. The letters do not say anything about the fact that a citizen was not paid a part of his lawful pension. The officials resort to ambiguous phrases, but they have to admit that an amount equal to that part of the unpaid sum was added to Guliev's pension every month. At the same time they always reminded about the paragraph 32.1-2 of the "Law on Labour Pension" where it is written that after recalculating his pension Guliev was refunded money determined for three years from 2019.08.02. This is three years directly before his appeal to the State Fund.  The agency is silent about the unpaid amount for other periods of Guliev's employment activity. The official letters do not say anything about the six years of employment for which Guliev does not receive a pension.

Guliyev's letter to Social Security Minister Babayev himself received no response.  Applying through Turan, the citizen asks the Minister to facilitate the payment of the full amount owed. He also asked the Minister to appoint an internal investigation to identify the culprit, and to recover from him the debt owed to Guliyev. The appeal ends with specifying the phone number of R. Guliyev - 0507717497.

Rakhman Guliyev is not satisfied with the reprimands from the SSSF, demanding compensation for all financial losses. In response to Turan's suggestion to file a complaint in court, the citizen replied that he did not have the means and health for legal red tape.

"Why is it that when the Ministry has defrauded citizens and they demand their money, people have to go to court, incurring costs, and when the Ministry has wrongly paid citizens excessive amounts, the agency collects that money without a court order?" - Guliyev asked.

Turan could not get a response from the SSSF, despite the request it filed on Guliyev's complaint.  Three days after a written request and a phone conversation with a representative of the SSSF, the agency's press service did not respond.-0-

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