State stores refuse to sell books by Jamil Hasanli

Baku/25.12.18/Turan: In bookstores controlled by the authorities, a ban has been imposed on the sale of works by the doctor of historical sciences, Professor Jamil Hasanli.

In particular, they refused to sell his books, published in Azerbaijan and abroad "House of Books" subordinated to the Office of Presidential Affairs of Azerbaijan, Baku Book Center, "House of Russian Books".

The ban is not publicly associated with the activities of Hasanli as chairman of the National Council of Democratic Forces, his social and political position.

Hasanli, in an interview with Turan, told that the "House of Russian Books" has long refused to sell his books.

"A few years ago they called me and said that they were going to close and offered to take my books published in Moscow from there. I took the books, but the store still works. Interestingly, in Russia my books are sold everywhere - from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. As for the "House of the Book," the President"s presidency manager, this store has been willingly selling my books for many years. But a year and a half ago, they asked me to pick up books on the pretext that they were starting repairs. But after reconstruction there is no information from them. Usually they called themselves and offered to submit books for sale. Even one book distribution company offered my works to them, but then they returned these books,"Hasanli said.

He connected it "with the authoritarian rule and totalitarian thinking prevailing in the country."

"At one time, even in fascist Germany, books were taken out of places of sale," Hasanli said.

According to him, his books are not only withdrawn from sale, but publishers controlled by the authorities "recommend" the authors not to refer and quote his works.

He compared it with the vicious practice of attitudes to the works of "enemies of the people" in the 1930s.

Jamil Hasanli is the author of many scientific works on the history of the periods of the Azerbaijan People's Republic (1918-20), the 1920s and 30s, the end of the Second World War, the intensification of the struggle between the powers in the Middle East, and in particular Turkey and Iran, the beginning Cold War, etc.

His works have been published by many leading publications in the USA, Turkey, Russia and other countries. -06D--

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