The OSCE Baku Office holds a training for Azerbaijani judges
The OSCE Office in Baku supports capacity building activities for judges. The OSCE Office in Baku and Justice Academy of Azerbaijan organized a two-day training course from 9 to 10 December 2013 on handling anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) for 20 Azerbaijani judges.
The purpose of the training course was to familiarize judges with best practices from other OSCE participating States with established AML/CFT case law and to increase their knowledge of the applicable international framework.“The previous training seminars held at the OSCE Office in Baku helped increase prosecutors’ and judges’ skills in investigating and adjudicating money laundering crimes,” said Emmanuel Huntzinger, Head of the Economic-Environmental Unit at the OSCE Office in Baku. “Based on the positive feedback received on the last course, as well as ongoing discussions with the Justice Academy, the Office decided to continue this activity”.The training course focused on applying international norms and standards to domestic criminal legislation. An international expert, Professor Ari-Matti Nuutilla conducted the course. Participants also attended an interactive seminar on real court cases in Germany.—06D—
Meetings of the Amnesty Issues Commission under the President of Azerbaijan are set to resume, with expectations that a new presidential amnesty decree will be issued. The last such decree was signed on May 25 of the previous year, ahead of Independence Day (May 28). That decree covered 154 individuals, of whom 63 were released from imprisonment, while the sentences of 52 others were reduced by half. The remaining individuals were mostly freed from electronic monitoring or had their sentences commuted in other ways.
The National Hydrometeorology Service of Azerbaijan has forecast a mostly dry and cold day across the country on February 11, with occasional cloud cover in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula.
Afiyaddin Mamedov, chairman of the trade union NGO “Workers’ Table Confederation,” has launched an indefinite hunger strike in prison to protest what he describes as worsening social conditions and the arrests of citizens in Azerbaijan, his family said on Friday.
A fire erupted in a multi-story residential building in Khirdalan, Absheron district, prompting an immediate response from Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Emergency Situations (FHN), authorities said on Saturday.
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