The Prison Service ignores the  health of  Faig Amirov

The Prison Service has not taken any measures to provide medical assistance to Faig Amirov,  Turan  agency was told by Lala amirova, the wife of the  arrested director of the newspaper "Azadlig."   " Faig is suffering from a stomach ulcer  and needs a diet food, but in jail it is not possible and the authorities are not doing anything to treat him," said the wife.

 In turn, the lawyer  Agil Laidjev said  that all the necessary certificates confirming the disease had  been  submitted to the Prison Service, but  not any  real steps  are taken to assist him. As a result, in the period after the arrest Amirov has lost 20 kilo, said the lawyer.

 "Taking into account his  health, the authorities at least on humanitarian grounds should change him a measure of restraint on house arrest. However, my request in this regard was rejected by the court," said the lawyer.

The press service of the Prison Service refused to comment on the  health of Amirov, recommending to appeal to the medical management of the Ministry of Justice. Deputy Chief of the structure, Iftikhar Gurbanov promised to "consider and keep it in focus."

 The financial director of the newspaper "Azadlig" Faig Amirov was arrested on trumped-up charges of having links with Fatulla Gülen and inciting religious hatred. However, the investigation quickly "forgot" about the charges. Now the prosecutor's office  is looking for evidence of illegal financing of the newspaper "Azadlig", trying to find a confirmation of tax evasion. The purpose of government  is  to finally strangle the last opposition newspaper  in the country.-03B-

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