Photo TURAN.

Photo TURAN.

Baku/19.10.22/Turan:  Today, Anara Aliyeva, the wife of political emigrant Anar Aliyev, who was arrested in Azerbaijan on charges of large-scale drug trafficking, held a solitary protest in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. She protested against the unjustified criminal prosecution of her husband, as well as the illegal imposition of a ban on her leaving the country. Anara Aliyeva said that she and her husband received refugee status in Germany on humanitarian grounds. On July 8 this year, they came to Azerbaijan to visit her sick father-in-law. According to Anara Aliyeva, on July 25 her husband was arrested on trumped-up charges of drug trafficking.

Moreover, she herself was banned from leaving the country, despite the fact that she was not officially involved either as a witness, let alone as an accused.  Because of this ban, Anara Aliyeva cannot travel to Germany with her two children.

“Because of this illegal ban, I cannot continue my professional education, and my children cannot continue their studies at school. In addition, my youngest daughter cannot continue the rehabilitation course after a severe injury. I demand the release of my husband, an end to the violation of our rights,” Aliyeva continued.

Police officers escorted her to the reception department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where she was asked to write an application addressed to Minister Vilayat Eyvazov to lift her travel ban.

Anara Aliyeva was told that within a day she would receive an answer in connection with her appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. --06B--

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