Today Elmar Huseynov would be 50 years old

Baku/17.07.17/Turan: Today the editor-in-chief of Monitor magazine Elmar Huseynov, killed 12 years ago at the threshold of his apartment would have turned 50 years old. His relatives, friends, journalists, representatives of the opposition and civil society gathered to honor the memory of Elmar Huseynov at his grave. Elmal Huseynov was killed by firearms on March 2, 2005 on the threshold of his house. Despite the fact that 12 years have passed since the murder, customers and perpetrators of the murder are still not found. Although the names of persons suspected of murder were made public, there was no work to deliver them from Georgia to Azerbaijan.

The chairman of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli noted that the issue of the murder of Elmar Huseynov should be updated, since the authorities of Azerbaijan abducted in the center of Tbilisi the innocent journalist Afgan Mukhtarly. "For 12 years, the Azerbaijani people have been deceived that they can not deliver killers from Elmar from Georgia. At present, it is important for us to bring this issue to the international level. How could this happen, the Azerbaijani authorities can get arrested in Georgia (it's about Professor Geranova), can they kidnap anyone in the center of Tbilisi? But the killers of Elmar for 12 years and could not bring to Azerbaijan," said Kerimli.

In the speeches of the participants of the ceremony it was noted that the murder of Elmar Huseynov was aimed at drowning out critical voices. Ex-leader of the Musavat Party, now head of the Center for National Strategic Thought Isa Gambar said that the regime of Aliyev-Pashayevs killed several such as Elmar strong personalities. "This regime condemned hundreds of our compatriots for long prison terms, tortured thousands of citizens. Hundreds of thousands of our citizens were forced to leave the country. This regime has stolen the lives of millions of our compatriots. To restore the rights of citizens, the return of emigrants need a regime change. The power must pass under the control of the people," said Isa Gambar.

The former "prisoner of conscience", journalist Khadija Ismail expressed regret at the absence of such journalists in Azerbaijan as Elmar Huseynov. "If Elmar was alive, he would be in prison today, and we would celebrate his birthday in front of the prison gates. Today, journalism lacks the courage of Elmar," said Khadija Ismail. Chairman of the National Council of Democratic Forces Jamil Hasanli believes that after the murder of Elmar Huseynov, the media began to regress. "The policy of repression led by the authorities led to the ban of free press in Azerbaijan. Journalism in Azerbaijan has become a very dangerous profession. Almost every week we are witnessing a call to the Prosecutor's Office for Serious Crimes of a criticizing journalist," Hasanli said. Director of Turan Information Agency Mehman Aliyev noted that Elmar Huseynov predicted today's crisis phenomena.

"Elmar Huseynov at the beginning of his career as a journalist spoke more with recommendations, pointed out the ways of the proper development of the country. However, realizing that the country is not moving the wrong way, he began to sharply criticize the authorities. Despite the fact that Elmar was killed, he came out victorious. For he predicted today's crisis, the country's progress towards disaster. The authorities continue to pressure media, civil society. But they themselves are weakening. The struggle led by Elmar and his death created a very serious ground for the future of Azerbaijan. And the defeat of the authorities in this struggle is inevitable, "Aliyev said, pointing to the absence of alternatives to Azerbaijan's development along the road to democracy. The leader of the Musavat Party, Arif Hajili, said that even after leaving his life, Aymar Huseynov continues to serve his idea. "People like Elmar Huseynov, Gasan Bey Zardabi, Jalil Mammadgulizade, Najaf Najafov - are the pillars of the dairy of Azerbaijan," he noted. -03C04-

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