Weather Forecast for Weekend

Baku / 08.12.17 / Turan: On Saturday in Baku and the Absheron peninsula the weather will be variable-cloudy, with drizzle in several places at night and in the morning, the weather forecasters reported. The air temperature will be + 2 + 5 ° at night and + 8 + 10 ° by day. On Sunday, weather conditions in the capital will not change significantly.

In the regions of the country the weather will also be mostly rainless. At night and in the morning there will be drizzle and fog in several places. The air temperature will be from-2 ° to +3 ° at night and + 6 to +11 ° by day. In the mountains it will be -1 -6 ° at night and + 2 + 7 ° by day. -06D-

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