Weather to Be Windy with Precipitation

On 17-18 January the weather in Baku and Absheron will be cloudy with precipitation and northerly wind gusts amounting to 18-20 meters per second.

According to forecasters, the temperature will be + 5 + 8 ° by day and + 1 + 3 at night.

In Nakhchivan snow is expected at 5-10 degrees below zero.

In the mountainous areas of the country frosty weather is expected with precipitation in the form of snow. So, in the mountains of the Lesser Caucasus a strong westerly wind is expected at 2-7 degrees below zero.

In the foothills and central parts of the country it will be a little warmer, but also with strong winds up to 20-25 meters per second.

In the mountains of the Great Caucasus the weather will be windy at 5-10 degrees below zero.

In the southern area precipitation is expected in the form of wet snow at 2-3 degrees below zero. -02D-

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