Azerbaijan inspired the French director

French cinema at the European Film Festival, which is held these days in Baku, presented documentary film "Terra" by the directors Jan Artryusa Bertrand and Michel Pitio. Presentation of the film took place in the French Embassy. The tape tells the story of the development of different forms of life, the relationship between man and nature. The authors try to show the consequences of the impact of human activity on nature.

The film shows how the ten thousand years of life on the planet quite completely changed. The film became a kind of bell, foreboding irreversible changes in the ward, which may have catastrophic consequences for humanity.

French Ambassador Aurelia Boucher and Adviser of the EU Delegation in Azerbaijan Denis Danilidis noted the role of the European Film Festival in the representation of European culture, in reference to the traditions of the various peoples. The Director Michel tape Pitio stressed that his first visit to Azerbaijan and the country has attracted its interlacing of cultures of East and West. He did not exclude that in the future he will shoot a film in Azerbaijan.

"Azerbaijan is called the land of fires, and Baku - the city of winds. These are the two natural elements - fire and wind, and it is possible that we can make a film about it," said Pitio. Screening of "Terra" in Baku will take place on November 10 at 18:00 at Park Cinema. By the way, the ceremony was an opportunity to celebrate the Chairmanship of the COP21 (the International Conference on Climate Change) from France to Morocco COP22. A year ago the Convention on Climate Change adopted in Paris ratified the 96 countries, including Azerbaijan. The next summit will be held in Morocco. -06D-

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