Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan: What are the agreed and unresolved issues?

It has been reported that Armenia and Azerbaijan have fully agreed on 13 out of 16 articles of the draft peace agreement. This was announced by Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan at a briefing held with his Luxembourg counterpart on September 9 in Yerevan. According to him, there is a real chance of signing the peace agreement soon: "There are 16 articles, 13 of which are fully agreed, and 3 are partially agreed."

Speaking at the international forum "Yerevan Dialogue" on September 10, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan touched upon the peace treaty negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He confirmed that 13 articles and the preamble of the draft have been fully agreed upon.

But what are the agreed and unresolved issues? Political observer Rauf Mirkadyrov discussed this on the program "Difficult Question," hosted by Kamran Mahmudov.

In his opinion, the main point of contention between Azerbaijan and Armenia is the issue of territorial integrity. "The Azerbaijani side demands changes to Armenia's constitution and declaration of independence, as these documents contain territorial claims against Azerbaijan. This is actually a serious issue," he noted.

Another important issue, according to the observer, is the principles by which the demarcation and delimitation of the border will be carried out. Equally significant is the matter of unblocking communication routes (excluding the Zangezur corridor).

The expert also did not rule out that the peace agreement may contain a clause related to regional security, which could cause serious problems. "The Azerbaijani side often makes statements that the arming of Armenia by certain countries poses a threat to the peace process. The sides may have disagreements on these issues," the expert explained.


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