The court again did not release the paralyzed activist

The Baku Court of Grave Crimes ended today the preparatory hearing on the case of the first-group disabled person, paralyzed activist Famil Khalilov.

The lawyer Bakhruz Bayramov petitioned to transfer him to house arrest.

He asked the court to take into account the activist's physical condition and the fact that he has been on a hunger strike for almost a month.

However, the court did not grant the petition.

Khalilov said that he felt like a "prisoner in a fascist dungeon."

He turned his back on the court.

The hearing on the merits is scheduled for September 26.

* Khalilov, detained on May 2, is charged under Article 234.4.3 of the Criminal Code (manufacture, transportation, storage of drugs in large quantities for sale purpose). The activist was given a measure of restraint in the form of 4 months of imprisonment. This article provides for 5 to 12 years of imprisonment.

His relatives claim that he is innocent and punished for critical posts against the authorities in social networks.

On August 15, Khalilov started a hunger strike demanding his release.

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