"Asan Imza" is available while registration of labor contracts

Company "B.EST Solutions" finalized  development mobile signature "Asan Imza" for electron-accounting information system of labor contracts with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan. Innovation is ready for use, the press service of the Ministry of Labor.

Rules for the application of the system of registration of labor contracts are developed jointly with the Ministry of Taxes of the country in the fight against illegal employment. Application "Asan imza" in the service of registration of labor contracts  is available on the portal "e-Government" (e-gov.az), simplifies the process of entering information into said system. With the help of "Asan Imza" CEOs may delegate authority to the responsible persons, which in turn will send a unified electronic database of the Ministry of Labor notice of an employment contract, introduced changes and termination of the contract. Notifications of labor contracts signed with "Asan Imza", can be downloaded in the formats ADOC and PDF.

"To encourage mass use of e-services solutions mobile authentication and e-signature ("Asan Imza"), cellular operators and mobile operator  of e-signature campaign was extended to lower prices for the service "Asan Imza" until September 30, 2014. Accordingly , individuals and legal entities, as well as civil servants can purchase mobile signature representative of all three mobile operators in Azerbaijan at the same price, namely 18 manat," the company said.  For individuals, the rates were reduced by 40 percent, law - 90 percent of civil servants - at about 80 percent.

To date, for  users of mobile signature "Asan Imza"  is available in a wide range of e-services, including services on the portal of "electronic government" - e-gov.az (over 320 services), electronic services portal of the Ministry of Taxes - e -taxes.gov.az (50 services), Internet bank "Bank Respublika", Internet service and other Hesab.az. operating in Azerbaijan.

Digital certificates of authentication and e-signature for users "Asan Imza" are  issued by the Ministry of Communications and accredited high-tech Center certification services "Asan" (ASXM) under the Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan.

"Asan Imza" is the only in  Azerbaijan  solution of mobile e-signature, complying with all the requirements of the Azerbaijani legislation. - 17D-

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