Baku Metro does not comment decline in passenger flow

Baku/18.12.13/Turan : Baku Metro has announced the transition to a new, more intensive schedule of trains , which is caused by an increase in passenger  flow. However, the Office Metro provides public entities information on the level of transport which is even lower than in 2009.

If in 2009 the average daily passenger flow on the metro was 564,657 people, over 11 months of this year, their number fell to  560,647 people. And this, despite the fact that in the morning and evening rush hours , passengers can not get into the cars because of the high density , and  have to miss several trains. This can not be denied and heads underground in separate interviews that did not hide the fact that it comes up to 700,000 passengers per day.

Chief of the Baku Metro, Tagi Akhmedov, refused to comment on the conflicting information that suggests a low level of state financial control over this popular form of public transport.

According to the SSC , for 11 months of this year have used the services of Metro 187 256.4 thousand passengers , which is 5.8 % more than during the comparable period in 2012 . Only in November subway benefited 18 548.3 thousand people. On average in November Metro served 598,332 passengers per day. This is approximately by 30 thousand more than in November 2012 .

Dynamics of passenger flow on the Baku Metro in August- November 2013 :

November18 548.317 617
October18 359,017 687
September16 501,114 962,6
August14 479,012 933

The volume of passenger flow on Baku Metro began to decline after threefold increase in October 2009. In 2009 the level of passenger  flow increased by 2.8% and reached its historical maximum - 206.1 million people a year , then next year it fell by 12.2 % to $ 181.1 million.

Observations of those years show that people actually  distanced from the subway after such a shock increase in the cost of travel and the number of passengers has declined slightly . However, a tendency to increase the level of passenger  flow  continued after the next increase fares on the subway from 15 to 20 gepiks in December 2011. In 2012, the official rate of passengers on the subway reached 195.6 million.

Turan news agency has repeatedly offered to link the payment terminals  in Baku subway to the  system of cash control of the Ministry of Taxes to ensure transparency and proper control over financial flows. While the government does not respond to it . - 08A-


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