Budget organizations increased their consumption of utilities

This year, the state spent on utilities and communication services are projected at 346.8 million manat, which is 4.8 % more than in 2012. According to the State Statistics Committee, electricity accounts for 70% of the consumed utilities and other services.

Only the first nine months of this year, electricity consumption by budget organizations amounted to 1,349 million kWh, an increase compared to the same period in 2012 by 2.4 %. The volume of electricity consumption in monetary terms amounted to 80.9 million manat, and by the end of the year, according to the government, will reach about 160 million manat. In 2012, when the winter was more severe, this figure amounted to 158.8 million manat. In the first nine months of the state budget paid for the service suppliers of electricity to 6.3 million manat deficit.

 For three quarters of this year, the budget structure will require 76.2 million cubic meters (- 4.5%) of the total $ 7.6 million manat. The Ministry of Finance has paid 6.6 million manat SOCAR for the consumption of natural gas. In 2012, gas consumption in value terms amounted to 25.1 million manat, and this year the figure is projected at 29,889,800 manats.

In January - September this year, the budgetary organizations increased water consumption by 7.8 %. In general, the amount of water consumption was 18 million cubic meters of the total value of 16.7 million manat. This year the government has laid in the state budget for this purpose 34,468 thousand manat, which is 2.9 % more performance for the year 2012.

In the first nine months of this year, the budget organizations was used 105.1 thousand Gcal of heat energy , which is 0.9 % more than in the comparable period of 2012 . In value terms, this amounts to 2.9 million manat. The government predicts that by the end of the year this figure will reach more than 23 million manat, which is 13.4% more than in 2012.

Recall that according to the parliament the draft state budget in 2014, the cost of utilities and communication services funded organizations amount to 641 million manat, which is 84.8 % more than the expected performance for the year. The electricity bill provides direct 200.4 million manat ( 25.5 %) , natural gas - 35.5 million manat ( 18.9 %) , heat energy - 27.7 million manat ( +20.3 % ), water - 43.6 million manat ( 26.7 %) , sewerage - 13.1 million manat ( 67.3 % ), etc. - 08B-


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