Companies Leading in the Media Identified

The media monitoring group of the company Media Consulting and Services (MC & S) reported on the popularity of companies in the electronic, print and so on media in April.

The company stated that the monitoring was conducted on 5 sectors. By the number of messages among mobile operators in April the leader was Azercell - 878 posts. On the ranking among banks the leader was the International Bank of Azerbaijan (1,056), among the insurance companies - AXA MBASK (155), among the hotels and business centers - Fairmont Baku (125), and among the higher education institutions - Baku State University (1,069).

It should be noted that the media monitoring is conducted on a monthly basis by analyzing the number, nature and content of the information about the company. It includes information distributed in 10 local televisions, 55 printed and 170 electronic media. Analysis of the companies also regards other business sectors (food and beverages, construction, energy, cars, etc.) l

More information about the monitoring results can be found here: ---08D

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