Corn seeds "Monsanto", delivered to Azerbaijan, will be checked for GMO

A group of public representatives led by the chairman of Free Consumers of Azerbaijan (FCA), Eyyub Huseynov, held a press conference to express concern of genetically modified maize (GMO) grown in Azerbaijan.

The conference was attended by the prosecution, the JSC "Devechi Broyler", which is growing on 400 hectares in Agsu and Kurdamir regions an industrial corn for the well-known American company "Monsanto". Then the corn is fed to broiler chickens of the company.

It became known about the delivery of seeds by "Monsanto" company from Rajab Orujov, the head of OOO "Qarabag Takhil", an affiliate of  "Devechi Broyler".

Orujov said that "GMO foods are not dangerous to human health."  The coordinator for Public Relations of "Devechi Broyler", Afet Yagubova referring to the certificate of origin and customs declaration, categorically denied the existence of GMO in the seeds. According to her, the seeds were delivered from Turkey, where the production of GMOs is prohibited.

"Monsanto", Maize produced in this country is a hybrid, with a high resistance to pests, diseases and bad weather. The yield of these seeds is three times higher than in local varieties, and can be harvested twice a year.

This year the Company "Qarabag Taxil" collected five tons of maize, which is 50% of the needs of "Devechi Broyler".

However, scientist-ecologist Telman Zeynalov claims that the company "Monsanto" is known worldwide as a manufacturer of GMO. "The soil, in which the corn is grown this year, will next year be dead, and will not yield. In addition, the Company "Qarabag Taxil" will not be able to use the seeds for re-planting. In other words, the company "Monsanto" have made the local company dependen on their products ", said the environmentalist. He said that recent studies in rodents confirmed deadly corn, produced by genetic engineering.

The head of the NGO "Centre for Independent Studies" Irada Yagubova proposed an independent examination of "Monsanto" corn seed for the presence of GMOs, because Azerbaijan has no such laboratory. The representative of "Devechi Broyler" agreed and promised to fund the laboratory analysis.

The participants of the press conference emphasized that this action is not directed against any company. It was told that all poultry companies import food of dubious origin. -08C-


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