Courts of CIS to Join Electronic Efforts to Solve Commercial Disputes Abroad

Officers of superior courts of individual CIS countries agreed to create a joint electronic system that will help entrepreneurs to resolve disputes abroad. In particular, the parties will be able to use video conferencing and send requests for legal aid in electronic form.

These decisions were held on August 21 in Kiev, the X session of the Council of Presidents of Supreme Arbitration, Economic and Other Courts, cases on economic disputes.

Participants of the meeting the most attention paid to the application of modern know-how, which should help the justice system.

Information, according to the participants of the meeting turned into a global resource of mankind. ICT has become an integral part of the present and indispensable tool of professionals in almost every field, including the judiciary. Therefore, the meeting came to the conclusion that electronic technology - the key to quality and speedy administration of justice, according to Ukrainian virtual edition of "Law and Business" (

At the moment, members of the community are higher, including the economic, the courts of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Azerbaijan's participation in such projects on the agenda does not appear. - 17D-


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