Employment Increases Confidence of Low-income Families and Their Social Status

Today at the Park Inn the non-governmental Centre for Economic Research (CER) held a "round table" on the results of the project "Monitoring the implementation of a one-time program of targeted social assistance and promoting the growth of low-income families access opportunities for employment." The program is supported by the Council of State Support to NGOs under the President of the country.

According to the coordinator of the project Dunja Djamalova, in the final phase of the project involved low-income families Nizami district of Baku and Khachmaz. The pilot project, which is proven in 2010, carried out in the village of Tovuz Vahidli. Then on social benefits in favor of self-employment has denied 271 families in 13 districts in all economic regions (except the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.)

Functions of the so-called self-support (employment income families) are different - the chairman of the CER Ghalib Togrul. First of all, in contrast to receiving targeted social assistance, a person is released by the society from serious psychological and social conditions, gaining confidence in their abilities. Freedom from government dependence allows him to cultivate more successfully integrate into society and go through the process of rehabilitation. Children of busy parents grow freer and the living standards and material welfare of such families involved in individual labor becomes higher.

In Azerbaijan, in 2001 below the poverty line lived 49%, in 2012 - 6% of the population. In the years 2006-13 the Government as part of targeted social assistance allocated 1 billion 208.5 million manat. In 2006, it allocated 39 million, in 2009-10 - up to 180 million, and so on - by increasing the line. In 2012, it mastered 207 million manat and the same forecast is for this year.

In 2012, social aid was received by 120 478 families, which is 42,931 less than in 2009. For every formal low-income citizen in 2007 it accounted for 8.36 manat, and in 2012 - 23.66 manat a month. - 17D-


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