DemirBank offers repeated customers consumer loans on easy terms

OJSC DemirBank gives subsidized consumer loans (including mortgage, car loans and programs with partners) to repeated customers with a positive history of at least 9 months.

As reported in the bank, this program extends to customers that paid off credit debts (except those who applied more than a year after retirement), and clients with a current loan, the term of which ends with a maximum of 6 months. The credit can be issued without a certificate from the employer, if the client did not change the place of work and asked for 6 months after the last repayment.

Repeated customers can receive a credit for a large sum, and the interest rate will be given at a discount of 2 - 3%. Repeated customers with good credit history up to 24 months may receive a loan of up to 2,500 manat without bail, and those with a history of over 24 months - 5,000 manat. -15D -


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