Despite the optimistic reports...

At the end of last week, Azerbaijan again went down in terms of the optimum speed of traffic at the lowest place for itself in the world "league table" (116 th). Two weeks ago this happened, but from 3.64 Mbit / s, this week, the rate dropped to 3.56 Mbit / s.

Nearest neighbors in the table are Morocco (line above) and Cambodia (line below). Ghana, Barbados and Uganda are also higher in rank.

As the official portal of the company Ookla (,110/Azerbaijan), this is due to the fact that the speed of the Internet in the neighboring territories "went to White Castle" by the mass introduction of modern technology. Azerbaijan, however, with the exception of mobile operator Azercell Telecom, only reports achievements. For comparison, in Russia (27th position) the average is 17.41, in Georgia - 13.89 (38th position), Armenia (76th position) - 6.44 Mb / s with a significant improving quality.

Local Internet quality index is far from the site described by 54 positions.

The indicator for the center of the capital on incoming traffic is 3.57 Mbit / s. On the periphery of Baku rate is 2.64 Mbit / s, in Masazir - 2.75 in Sumgayit - 2.53-2.67 Mbit / s. Among the areas on the map, you can find Jalilabad - 2.30 Mb / s. About 3 months ago, analysts used the data of Sheki and Geychay districts, now these points on a map of virtual services do not.

Chosen for the experiment were 306 thousand 477 of 2.46 million active unique IP-addresses. The study is based on the statistics of 20 local Internet service providers and telecom operators, mainly in Baku.

Almost a month in the first place Azercell Telecom LLC - 5,53 Mbit / s. with a significant reduction of speed. On the following "bonus" of places marked Az.StarNet LLC and Eurosel LLC, which, respectively, 5.24 and 4.34 Mbit / s. Company TransEuroCom LLC from 2.31 Mbit / s closes twenty. Note that almost as many providers were not included in the rankings because they have a lower rate, just not for the interest of the drafters of top sheet.

The rating for the outgoing traffic (the best - 1.32 Mb / s and 121 in the world) are also presented statistics 20 local Internet service providers and telecom operators. In their networks during the trial period the maximum speed of outgoing traffic was fixed at 3.18 Mbit / s (net AG TELECOM), and the minimum rate - 0.44 Mb / s (Azerbaijan Data Network). - 17D-


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