Expert: talks between Belarus and Azerbaijan aimed against Russia


“The talks between Belarus and Azerbaijan could be considered as an action against Russia, as Russia investigates economic intrigues of the Belarus oil companies,” said Sergei Agibalov, expert of the Institute of Energy and Fund, in his interview to Regnum.

    Belarus Ambassador to Azerbaijan Nikolai Pazkevich said that Baku is ready to deliver oil to Belarus. He said the issues of Azerbaijani oil deliveries have been solved and they will help to diversify the oil import. Before the Ambassador’s statement Russian companies suspected the Belarus authorities of illegal sale of oil products made of Russian oil abroad under the pretense of solvents and dilutions and estimated Russia’s losses during 2012 at $2 billion. 

    Agibalov said that using talks with Azerbaijan the Belarus authorities try to demonstrate Russia their energy independence, but “there nobody threatens Russia.” Resumption of the relationships between Belarus and Azerbaijan could be beneficial for the both countries. “Belarus will be able to receive Russian oil on the current conditions and at the same time expand the circle of its economic partners. For Azerbaijan it will be more of an image project to consolidate its positions at the Belarus market.”

    Expert believes that Azerbaijan would like to expand its presence at the foreign markets. “The simplest and the most natural direction for Azerbaijan is its cooperation with the Mediterranean basin countries, but if Azerbaijani prices suit Belarus, then this direction of development is very perspective for Azerbaijan as well.”

    Agibalov concluded: “I do not think that this operation will threaten to Russia. For Belarus it will be always simpler to use Russian oil and there is nothing dangerous and unusual in import of Azerbaijani oil.”—0—


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