Global Hacking for Two

U.S. and British special services managed to crack the encryption system that protects personal data , emails and banking millions of Internet users , as well as companies.

According to the newspaper The Guardian ( September 5, with reference to the documents provided by a former contract employee of the U.S. NSA Edward Snowden , this office is not only hacks into existing codes using supercomputers , but also , thanks to a secret collaboration with iT- companies and leading ISPs . In addition, she found vulnerabilities in the encryption mechanisms , and questioned the international standards in this area.

According to the publication, ten-year program of the U.S. against the NSA cryptography made ??a breakthrough in 2010, when the intelligence agency was able to collect a "huge amount of data ." In this case, the annual budget of the secret NSA program, which intelligence agency itself describes as " the key to unlimited access and use of cyberspace for the U.S. " , is estimated according to the documents in $ 250 million

In addition to the NSA, this program was the British Government Communications Centre (Government Communications Headquarters, GCHQ), responsible for electronic intelligence and protecting government information . According to The Guardian, he developed a way of breaking the encrypted data passing through Hotmail, Google, Yahoo and Facebook. - 17D-


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