In September, the Cost of Building Materials Increased by 1.6%

In September, prices of construction materials rose by an average of 1.6%. This regarded channels, DSP, pipes, fittings, slate, glass, laminate flooring, and foam. Compared to the beginning of the year, prices rose by 7.5% and in comparison with the previous quarter by 6%. Experts estimate that in the last month due to the season has been an increase in demand by 5%. During the month, the share of local production in the market exceeded 52%.

Experts attribute the rise in prices of construction materials to seasonality. Entrepreneurs engaged in the building materials market explain the increase in prices of building materials, "September-October are months suitable for repair. In these months, increasing demand for repair and, therefore, prices of construction materials are soaring. "The seasonal activity in the market will continue, although major changes in the prices will not be observed." 


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