KazMunaiGas Exploration and Development forecasts growth of production from 2013 to 2015

KazMunaiGas Exploration and Development, daughter company of Kazakhstan national company KazMunaiGas (KMG), expects growth of production on its key production assets from 2013 to 2015, said the company’s top managers during the telephone conference on Monday.

“In 2013 production on our profile assets will total 8,150 million tons, in 2014 – 8,600 million tons and in 2015 – 9.060 million tons,” Murat Mustafayev, KMG Managing Director for Geology and Development, said.

He added that during this period share of KMG Exploration and Development in production of joint ventures is expected to be 4.3-4.4 million tons a year.

The company’s Financial Director Benjamin Fraser announced the planned reduction of capital investments of the company. He said in 2013 the investments are planned to be $1.1 billion, while in 2014 - $0.9 billion, reported http://newskaz.ru.--0--


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