Kindergartens - stepchildren of government programs

BAKU/28.02.14/Turan : Construction and repair of capital preschools do not have time for birth and the influx of people from the regions. There was also an acute shortage of staff, there are supply problems with privatization, with refugees living in kindergartens, etc.

According to the head of Baku EP Hajibala Abutalibov, at the presentation of the program of Heydar Aliyev Foundation on the development of pre-school , to his jurisdiction operates 345 kindergartens , nurseries, where the number of 36 977 children under the age of 6 years. Given babies homes and orphanages all 414 institutions. Coverage is 23.4% of the estimated volume ( in preschool education collective , officials estimated , still needs 157 349 children). Thus, in the capital it is necessary to build another 1,105 preschools with 6 age groups. In addition, 137 institutions operating needs overhaul, 11 kindergartens due to an abnormal state should be built "from scratch."

Throughout the country, the situation is much worse than in Baku. The root cause is lack of government incentives and guarantees for educators, nurses, pediatricians, and attendants. As a consequence, professionals do not want to work on the periphery for 120-150 manats ( $ 150-190) per month. In addition, a small number of areas catastrophically preschools low standards, poor quality of care, training, food supplies and medical control in many public kindergartens with attendant risks.

According to the Ministry of Education, in the country there are about 1,700 kindergartens, of which 1,637 are state-run , and the rest are private. In preschool institutions, more than 111 thousand children (almost 15% contingent ) - that is, in the first class ready to go every seventh child , and the rest are left to their family, relatives and other caregivers. By the way, in Europe, more than 90 % of children are covered by preschool education.

At the final meeting last autumn session of the Parliament adopted the law " On the provision of long-term tax benefits to babies homes, special kindergartens and orphanages ", which came into force on 1 January this year. According to the document, these institutions for 10 years are exempt from income tax and simplified tax. How will these measures radically change the situation?

Hajibala Abutalibov output sees all the subordinate preschools executive authorities, repair and commissioning of unsuitable areas in the elimination of past decisions on privatization in the building vacant areas (1.5-2 ha) kindergartens. He believes that this will ensure a collective education to 75 % of children.

The founder of the Center for Economic Research Gubad Ibadoglu is not so optimistic. According to him, even if the power suddenly shows interest to solve the problem, the formal solution will take years. It cannot be a satisfactory situation , when the sphere is far from abandoned government priorities when educational programs and preschool instruction prepares the Ministry of Education and formal control by local executive authorities .

Moreover, the authorities deliberately changing demographic picture , forcing people to move out of the capital regions , universities do not actually prepare personnel for pre-school education in kindergartens operate mainly profane unrelated to the specifics of education. "If we add to this artificial line at kindergartens , poor hygiene and poor supply in state institutions , as well as weak control structures concerned , we obtain what we have ," - he said.

According to him, in Europe for a long time working to strengthen protection of the rights and interests of children , creating the most comfortable environment for their development and education , new game and cognitive standards within the curriculum . In Azerbaijan, only begin to talk about the reasons for the low utilization of pre-school institutions, support for private initiative.

While there is no clear and accessible society a specific program with a real action plan and will not be defined range of specific artists , headed by a single coordination network , it makes no sense to talk about the real progress - summed Doctor of Economics. - 17D-

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