Limit on Importation of Animals and Animal Products from Several Regions of Turkey

The State Service of Veterinary Supervision (SSVS) under the Ministry of Agriculture has applied since 27 November a temporary restriction on the importation of live animals and animal products from several eastern regions of Turkey due to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease.

The corresponding order was signed by the Acting SSVS chief, Chief Veterinary Officer, Azer Suleymanov.

The decision is substantiated by the information from the World Organization for Animal Health. Other products may undergo veterinary inspection only if the State Veterinary Service of Turkey gives the corresponding certificate.

Note that, according to the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, for the first 9 months of this year, cattle and meat was not imported not only from the eastern provinces, but from all over Turkey. Azerbaijan buys breeding chickens and cut chicken and turkey meat from Turkey. ---08D

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