Products Dangerous to Consumers

By Decision №208 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan on May 29, the list of goods that pose a potential risk to consumers has been modified.

Thus, according to the document, the modified "List of products whose safety has to be ensured from 1 January 1994," instead of "washing, bleaching and cleaning agents," added to the list were "synthetic detergents and household cleaning products." Dangerous goods are also classified as cosmetics and perfumery, medical reagents, and chemicals.

In Azerbaijan control of security of products is weak due to the strong coverage of corruption at all levels of promotion of products, ranging from domestic production, imports, ending with their sale and use. A striking example of this is the local production of polyurethane, which led to the mass poisoning and death. As it turned out, the process of production, implementation and control of the material is concentrated in the same hands – the Ministry of Emergency and the business circles close to it.

You can guess the scale of the problem, if you look at the European data on dangerous goods. Deutsche Welle referring to the European Commission broadcast quite an unexpected message: in 2014 the EC inspectors found a record number of dangerous consumer goods – 2,435 in retail chains.

So many harmful products listed in the European system of emergency exchange of information RAPEX have been revealed for the first time. There is an impressive list of jewelry containing harmful heavy metals. Among the dangerous goods there are cars, appliances, and accessories for mobile phones. More than a quarter of the found substandard goods are defined as dangerous for the consumer that can cause injury and harm to health.

The share of Chinese manufacturers accounted for 64% of all products banned for sale. --17D-

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