Prosecution of petty officials - imitation fight corruption

Azerbaijan's Corruption Perception Index - 2012 (KQI) began with 27 scores 139th in the world among 176 countries. According to data published on the eve of the annual report of the organization "Transparency International" this year, corruption remains a major concern for many governments.

In contrast to last year's methodology, when the supreme measure of transparency had 10 points (Azerbaijan then scored 2.4 points with the placement of a 143-position), the current maximum score - 100. According to the index, some governments have failed to protect their citizens against the misuse of public resources, bribery or decision to bypass the public interest.

Another difference - the past, starting from 1995, the reports were based on data on the local economy over the past two years, the current report "absorb" a data on 13 different areas of the country during this period (data taken from Azerbaijan 6 sources).

According to the compilers of the report to the positive trends in Azerbaijan over the past year include bringing the text of the local anti-corruption laws to meet international standards, international conferences, a national plan of action to promote "open government" and the fight against corruption in the years 2012-15. Establishment of the Agency "light" e-services (ASAN) to the public, Presidential decrees and orders of the government in this area is also seen as a positive step. However, the level of execution of documentary requirements is far from the expectations of the population.

The fight against corruption must be sustained, and not in the form of the campaign, according to the authors of the report. In their view, the fight against corruption local control - a positive phenomenon, but it is applied against the guilty officials of small and medium, which suggests a shadow on the overall development process, and does not prevent the causes of corruption. Among the acts, adoption and execution is necessary, you can call the law on conflict of interest, on the protection of corruption and the inadmissibility of combining the positions of public officials, to be filled out by officials of the tax returns and so on.

Most are not corrupt, as in the past year, are recognized as Denmark, Finland and New Zealand, with 90 scores. In the closing three are Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia (8 points), which does not actually provide results.

Among the neighbors of Azerbaijan, Georgia was on the 51st, Armenia to the 105th place. Russia, Kazakhstan and Iran share the 133rd place.

* Corruption Index 2012 launched on the basis of expert analysts from the following nine sources: ADB (Asian Development Bank), the African Development Bank (African Development Bank), the Bertelsmann Foundation (Bertelsmann Foundation), Economist Intelligence Unit (Economist Intelligence Unit), Freedom House (Freedom House), Global Insight (Global Insight), Political Risk Evaluation Service (Political Risk Services), the World Bank (World Bank) and the Project for the global justice (World Justice Project).

Four other sources reflect estimates of the situation in their own countries: International Institute for Management Development (International Institute for Management Development, IMD), the Agency for assessing the economic and political risks (Political and Economic Risk Consultancy), the Bribe Payers Index of Transparency International (Transparency International's Bribe Payers Survey ) and the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum). -17V-


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