Quarterly Balance Sheet of AzerTurk Bank

Joint JSC AzerTurk Bank posted a report (http://azerturkbank.az/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Balans-hesabat%C4%B1-01.04.15.pdf) on the balance of payments as of 1 April this year.

Thus, the total loan portfolio (including consumer loans) of this financial structure has grown to the beginning of the year by 29% to 268 million 677.43 thousand manat. Total assets including the capital rose by 30% to 382 million 443.78 thousand AZN. The liabilities including long-term ones were 325 million 930.39 thousand manat.

The shareholders' equity at the end of the first quarter was equal to 56 million 513.39 thousand manat (+ 3.6% YTD), while the charter capital did not change and was 50 million AZN.

Placed on deposit accounts was 76 million 383.98 thousand manat (+ 54.7%). On the correspondent account in the Central Bank there was 35,910,000 AZN and on the accounts in other banks there was 18.45 million manat.

JSC AzerTurk Bank was established in May 1995. Its shareholders are the State Committee for Property Affairs (75%), ZiraatBank from Turkey (12.37%), the reinsurance company AzRe Tekrarsigorta (6.55%), the local life insurance company Qala Hayat Sigorta (5%) and Ziraat Bank International (1.08%). --17D-

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