Six thousand boxes with seeds of silkworm  delivered from China

Baku / 24.04.18 / Turan: Six thousand seeds of silkworm have been brought from China to Azerbaijan on April 24. Seeds for the incubation period were sent to the Gakh Station of the Breeding Sericulture. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, after the incubation period, the mulberry silkworm received will be donated to the silkworms of the mountain areas. The Ministry notes that, based on the tender agreement, 13,000 boxes of high-quality hybrid silkworm were purchased from China in two stages. These seeds are planned to be transferred to silkworms of mountain, foothill and lowland areas. The first batch of seeds arrived on April 17. Over the past two years, 2.5 million mulberry seedlings have been delivered from China to Azerbaijan. They were donated to sericulture areas. This provided for the landing of a new intensive type of mulberry. Since 2016, the government has paid special attention to the development of sericulture. On November 16 of the same year, the president signed an order on strengthening state support and additional measures for the development of sericulture and hazelnut farming. These orders involve the purchase of 163,000 silkworms, 600,000 mulberry seedlings, and 700,000 manat are to be paid for the purchase of hazelnut seedlings. According to the decree of the President of October 6, 2017 "On measures to continue state support for the development of sericulture", the Ministry of Agriculture should spend 1.05 million for the procurement of silkworms, mulberry seedlings and ensure their donation to producers. 775,000 manats from these funds were to be sent for the purchase of mulberry seedlings, and 275,000 manats for cocoon seeds. -0--

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